December 15, 2010

December 12, 2010


For those of you who once actually read my blog, there is no amount of words I can say that can make up for the fact that I have practically abandoned this thing. Not one single review since July? What's that all about?

Well, I'll tell you.

Life. That's basically all it comes down to. My life has mainly been focused on my job and trying to make a living, so I really have not had any time to sit down and write up a review. Yes, it's like that.

I hope that someday I can take the time to write something up for all of you, get back to reviewing movies the way I once had. I'm not saying it'll be soon, but at some point...I would love to be able to post nonstop again.

August 18, 2010

Upcoming Entry...

A Special retrospective look at NIGHT OF THE CREEPS.

July 26, 2010

The Commune (2009)

I was fortunate enough to obtain the chance to watch this film via a contest which was held over at
Day of the Woman. BJ-C ran a contest which was fairly simple: just e-mail her and say you want the DVD. I thought, sure, why not...I never usually win anything anyways (the last thing I ever won was an autographed JASON X script. Yeah, something to totally gloat about, I'm sure.) And low and behold, I wound up being the lucky winner. What I received was a THE COMMUNE DVD, a Peace Sign necklace, as well as a personal note from the director herself, Elisabeth Fies. I thought it was genuinely great to see an Independent Filmmaker going to this length with this film, truly showcasing that their first project is definitely a labor of love.

The simple quick synopsis for the film is as follows: A young virgin finds herself isolated in a remote commune of religious "family" members with a sinister agenda to ensure their supernatural survival. With the horror of entrapment, sacrifice and familial dysfunction as Jenny confronts the evil that is her father and his new family. Now, from what BJ-C had told me about the film, she said I was really in for a treat along the lines of the slow-burn aspect as The Wicker Man and Rosemary's Baby. I loved those two films, so I was really expecting to enjoy this film.

I really, really wanted to like this film. It had it's moments, I'll give it that (the way certain scenes are shot, imagery, etc) but I think the slow-burn aspect of it all...hindered my enjoyment. Yes, I love character development and all that stuff, but when it comes down to building up to something, I expect it to totally blow me away...but sadly I saw the ending coming a mile away, so it didn't really affect me the way I think the filmmaker had intended.

Some of the acting was a little blah for me as well. Granted, yes, the members of the commune were supposed to come off that way, but when it came down to it, I think they were trying a bit too hard to get a "weird factor" out of their characters. When we're first introduced to Jenny, I couldn't stand her. It took me a long time for me to really even care about her, so watching a film in which I really don't care about any of the characters is really hard for me to keep interest in.

Seeing as I foresaw the ending, I honestly don't understand what all of the other reviews are getting at when they say that it's a "Raw, sick, twisted and disturbed" kind of film. I just never got that feeling out the film whatsoever.

I will hand it to Elisabeth Fies though, seeing as this is her first outing as a Filmmaker. She knows how to write Character Development and work with the camera, as well as lighting and things of the sort. You can tell she knows the shots she wants, how she wants them to look, and it overall looks fantastic.

All in all, if you're in the mood for something different, and love supporting independent filmmakers, I say go for it.

July 8, 2010

The Wolfman (2010)

Let it be known that I am a sucker for the old school Universal Horror Monsters. Frakenstein, The Wolfman, Dracula, etc. So, when sitting down to watch 'The Wolfman' my mind was filled with the sense that this new remake may have come off as a bit tacky, and that was my biggest concern. But, after watching the film, I can honestly say that I was VERY impressed.

Benicio Del Toro does an amazing job as Lawrence Talbot, the role once held in high regard by Lon Chaney, Jr. He played the part perfectly, and there were times when watching it that I could see a vague hint of Chaney in his performance. Anthony Hopkins did a pretty solid job as well as John Talbot...but that's always to be expected from him. The film looked wonderful as well. From the locations, cinematography, and over all look of the film was great. It oozed mysteriousness and carried with it a very foreboding feeling the entire picture.

Rick Baker did a great job with his makeup effects, as I genuinely love his style. He clearly has respect for the legend Jack Pierce, and the make-up is fantastic. I'm not a fan of CGI, but the use of it here didn't really bother me as much as I thought it would. I also thought that a lot of Bakers makeup effects and such would be trimmed and replaced with CG, but I was happy to see a good amount of his work still evident.

I wish that they used more of Maleva the old gypsy, which was a key character in the original.

Overall, all I can really say is that it's a fun horror/action film. Great acting, the sets and visuals are superb, etc. There are also some pretty nice kills in this one for those of you who are wondering how vicious they've made The Wolfman this time around...rather than strangling his victims. While the film can be fun, the plot suffers a tad bit, due in large part to it's pacing, which eventually leaves some plot holes. Regardless of that, it's just fun.

July 3, 2010

Thoughts on the "Let the Right One In" remake...

Now that the teaser/international trailer has been released for the Americanized version of Let the Right one in, I felt the need to post my thoughts on it in much greater detail than just a sentence.

As a huge fan of the original film as well as equal if not slightly a bigger fan of the book (which I read after seeing the film)...I feel slightly conflicted. When I first heard heard that they were remaking this, I immediately hated it. Sight unseen. However, when I read multiple interviews and articles stating that it would be a re-imagining with differing plot points and NOT a direct remake, I was slightly encouraged.

Now that the trailer is out, it looks a hell of a lot like a remake to me. Like shot for shot in some instances. So, what's going on?

Also, using “From the Director of Cloverfield” to sell a movie is the equivalent of saying “From the mind of Diablo Cody.” It just doesn’t work. Also, a better music choice should have been used. Really doesn't set the tone for what the story is.

In the original they removed most of the trans-gendered pedophilia from the book, but they did not remove ALL of the transgendered pedophilia from the book, which just made a few scenes kind of confusing, but none to really over analyze. I will say that having read the book after seeing the movie was, well, different. And by different I mean Holy Shit, there was far more transgendered pedophilia than I was expecting.

I’m sorry, but are there really that many people who want to see this particular swedish vampire movie but don’t know how to read or have an aversion to dubbing? What is the reason for making THE EXACT SAME MOVIE in English?

I told them not to go there, but Hollywood went there.

What's going on?!

I'd just like to take some time to clear up the reasons as to why I haven't been giving this little ol' blog as much attention as I once did.

The past few months have been really hectic for me. I've had to relocate my living environment, as well as get my act together in the whole employment side of life. That has all worked out for the better, as I am now trying to stabilize two jobs. As of recently, any free time I have is practically devoted to sleep, or just simple relaxation.

I did a couple of quick entries lately, but not ones I am entirely happy with. I would love to be able to get back to the constant posts that once filled this blog, but my personal life has become my main priority. I have responsibilities to take care of, mostly for my future.

But don't you fret my little droogies, soon enough posts here shall become frequent, as there is no way I will ever let go of my Horror Blogosphere friends. I'm here to stay.

In fact, due to a recent contest I won over at Day of the Women, my nearest movie review will be of "The Commune."

June 29, 2010

Going to Pieces: The Rise and Fall of the Slasher Film (2006)

Adapted from a very popular book, this entertaining albeit interesting documentary slightly delivers what it promises: a look into the world of slasher cinema. Such as how it started, stayed popular, and what very well may have led to its downfall with audiences and reviewers.

One positive thing I can say about this Documentary is that it tries hard to include as many Slasher flicks as possible, but sometimes it felt a tad bit rushed. I wished they had focused a bit more attention on the era that they were chronicling, rather than saying a few things and then jumping into the next bit. While it was great to see and hear what many of those who played a part in the creation of these films had to say...I didn't really learn anything new, something I was hoping would happen.

It would have great to learn the history of gore in movies, and to learn about the influences for American slasher in exuberant detail. Instead we're vaguely told about Italian horror then before you know it they've skipped on into "Halloween," which they've also practically labeled as the first slasher movie, when "Black Christmas" came before it. Also, it seemed as if "Friday The 13th" was given more credit than it truly deserved as an original movie. Now, I'm not trying to imply that those movies aren't important when it comes to this genre, but I would have liked to have seen a fresh approach while taking a closer look at their origins.

I think they tried to cover a little too much ground with such a short running time, I really feel that this documentary could have, and should have, been fleshed out a bit more.

June 23, 2010

The Horror...the Horror... (a visual piece)

Just some great scenes from a few (of many) of my favorite Horror films.

June 16, 2010

Two Documentaries...

Here are the trailers for two Documentaries I am REALLY looking forward to!



June 15, 2010

Never Sleep Again (2010)

"Early Rise and early to bed
makes a man healthy and wealthy
and dead."
-James Thurber.

Just like the nightmare films, the DVD kicks off with a nostalgic bang with that opening quote. It's words dressed in red on a hard black background. With this, you definitely get the sense that your're in for something special already.

We're then treated to an amazing opening credit sequence featuring great stop motion animation by Michael Grenberry, as well as being set to music by Charles Bernstein...which I'm pretty sure was a new piece of music done solely for this documentary.

"Even though I've had lots and lots of people tell me, "You've given me nightmares," for years, they always have a smile on their face." - Wes Craven. The Documentary starts off very solidly with many past cast members, directors, and FX crew guys sharing their opinion and views on the Freddy Krueger character.

The 'Nightmare' movies, I believe, held a special place in the world of Horror cinema due in large part because they were a bit more complicated and ambitious than say 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre,' ' Friday the 13th' or 'Halloween.' They attracted a certain audience (teenagers) because that's who the characters were. You have a certain group of friends, who are so close that they will always have each others backs and are they for them more than their own parents. So, when Freddy comes in to the picture, the typical parental responses of "get some sleep" are probably the worst thing to hear, so, the teens can only count on each other to survive.

Everyone has had a bad dream, a nightmare, and knew some form of a bogeyman. The 'Nightmare' films worked best with that because it latched onto something that everyone can somehow be linked to.

The documentary covers the entire 20 year history of the 'Nightmare' films, starting with the genesis of the first, all the way up to 'Freddy vs Jason.' We even take a quick look back at the ever-so-abysmal days of the 'Freddy's Nightmares' television show. We're treated as to how each film came to be, along with MANY interested anecdotes for each film. Regardless of the length, each section keeps your attention and never drags on or seems boring. Every thing is laid out there, whether it be the technical side of things, or how the cast and crews worked together. Something I enjoyed quite a bit was hearing what Bob Shaye had to say about each entry, especially the old days of New Line Cinema...before it turned into a Money Hungry company, rather than what it once was...a company willing to give everyone and anyone a chance.

The extended interviews with cast and crew were great to watch as well, giving you even MORE than you expected.

This documentary, beginning to end, is quite the trip down memory lane, while also being a great informative look back on one of the most well known Horror Characters of all time and the franchise it had spawned.

June 12, 2010

Heads up! CROPSEY

I have been following this little gem of a Documentary ever since I had first seen the little teaser online many months ago, and I have been foaming at the mouth for some sort of review to come to fruition in the Horror Blogosphere.

Well, that day has finally come, as ALL THINGS HORROR has posted quite a review, one which has definitely sparked my attention more so than it originally was.

Living anywhere near the Boston area? Then check out the Boston premier of 'CROPSEY' during it's albeit brief run at the Somerville Theater during the week of June 11th-17th. I would love to make it myself, but I honestly don't see that happening. But, if you do happen to give it a watch, let me know what you thought about it!

June 4, 2010

Something to hold you over...

Here's a special feature off of the 'Never Sleep Again' Documentary DVD that, I feel, is the best Special Feature out of them all. I'm posting this here to hold you over until I finally post my review for the documentary.

I remember all of these lines and quips, and to hear the old cast members saying them again after all these years...awesome.

May 30, 2010

Upcoming Review...

Just a heads up as for what to expect in a week or two.

The "Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy" DVD is probably THE BEST Documentary I have ever watched in my entire life. Hands down. It's THE definitive look back at the 'A Nightmare On Elm Street' franchise, in a 2-disc set, clocking in at nearly 8-hours (including special features), it features interviews with the cast and crew spanning EVERY film, and loaded with clips, photographs, storyboards, conceptual art, publicity materials, archival documents and behind-the-scenes footage. The Documentary is 4 HOURS LONG, the other four hours is Bonus Material.
I got the biggest kick out of the whole thing. Definitely a trip down movie memory lane for me.

I know updates on this Blog have been pretty scarce, given that once this blog hit the was constantly updated. Now, I barely ever really find the time to do so anymore. But, I promise you, I will have quite the lengthy review on this gem of a Documentary in a week or so.

May 16, 2010

Rest in Peace...

While I haven't really updated this lately (due to personal reasons), I felt the need to make this quick post. Today another Music God left this world to join the likes of Randy Rhodes and Darrel Abbot. May his music ring immortal and my he rock on forever.

Ronnie James Dio
July 10, 1942 – May 16, 2010

May 1, 2010

A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)

Here we go again. Yet another well known Horror franchise of the 80's has fallen victim to the inevitable remake trend. But this time, one of the most iconic Horror characters of its time has gotten one hell of a face lift. One that just may change the way you've thought about the character before, whether it be for better or worse.

Freddy Krueger is most well known to Horror fans, and others alike, around the world. A few years after the character broke out into the genre, he became something of a pop culture icon the likes of Michael Jackson or Madonna. A whole other kind of conversation could be covered with that, but we'll save that for another time. As the 80's came to a close, it seemed as if the 'Nightmare Train' was just about running on empty. In the early 90's, Freddy had been killed off, only to see a slight reemergence in 'Wes Cravens' New Nightmare,' then the new Millennium hit and some years later we saw him face off against another Horror Icon... Jason Voorhees.

Then, it was all up in the air as to which direction the character would go next. Rumors were swirling of a Prequel, a FvsJvsAsh movie, or a stand alone new Nightmare flick...all were murmured throughout the land of Horror. Actor Robert Englund, who carried the torch of Krueger from the very beginning, would say just about anything to keep fans eager with anticipation for the Springwood Slashers next outing. But nothing would come of it...until this weekend.

The remake has now been thrust upon us, and as one of the many writers in the Horror Blogosphere, I feel the need to lend my voice to the masses. Why try and change something that doesn't need to be fixed nor altered? Oh wait, it's a bankable product, that's why.

The remake took everything that was classic about the original...and threw it away. Yes, there are some scenes, as well as dialog, that are vaguely reminiscent of the first film, but they're executed haphazardly. The classic bedroom death (originally done to the Tina character) was borderline cheap, and devoid of any "wow" factor. In the remake, it kind of just...happens.

The only good thing I can say about this flick is that it looked great. The visuals were astounding, and the Nightmare atmosphere's were spot on. Oh, and this movie is better than the Friday the 13th remake.

I understand that you've got to mix things up a bit in order to attract a new audience when it comes to remakes, because if you do the same old song and dance as the original, then you know exactly what you're in for. With this, all of the modifications weren't very welcome.

I grew up on the original series, so all of those films were firmly planted in my brain, as much as I tried to go into the remake with a clear head (also trying to block out that dreadful script that made it's way online prior to shooting.) But, whenever Freddy was on screen, I had a really hard time stomaching such a change. Robert Englund is the only Freddy Krueger, and when watching Jackie Earle Haley's performance, I wanted Englund to come out of nowhere and reclaim the character. It seemed as if Haley was trying a bit too hard with the dialog he was given. Hell, to hear Freddy say "Fuck" was weird...and I'm used to him cracking a "...bitch."

I could kind of see where the writers were trying to go with this, but I'm not completely sold on what they were presenting to me. The directing was perfect (style, look, etc), but the story was really lacking, and some of the acting could have been a bit better. The new Nancy, while really nice to look at, is no Heather Lagenkamp. Also, the ending felt really rushed and practically tacked on.

And I'm sorry but...Jackie Earle are not, not will you ever be, Freddy Krueger. Good attempt though, make up was pretty solid, but it's really hard to fault an actor's work...given the script they had to work with.

April 24, 2010

A few thoughts on...

Once in a great while, I have a few Horror topics on my mind all at the same time, but not enough meat to really warrant a full blown blog entry. So I figured, "Screw it, just put it all there anyway." So, here a few little tidbits of Horror related thoughts I've had as of late:

The Nightmare on Elm Street remake:

I'm not swayed or put off in any way just yet, except for the fact that I am really hoping that things from the script that I absolutley loathed are nowhere to be found in the finished product. I can only be so hard on it as I can, namely because of the things that Platinum Dunes keep saying how this one is supposed to be more "dark and serious." Well, I hope they prove that, because the last time they said this shit...we got the Friday the 13th remake. I have yet to utter the words "I'm excited" or "I'm looking forward to it" with this. It's just been "yeah, I'll see it."

Remaking Classic Horror icons...and Rob Zombie:

Let's face it. The big Horror icons of the late 70's and mid 80's are pretty hard to revisit successfully for the hardcore Horror audience. Freddy may be an easier sell, given how well known the character is over Jason, Michael Myers, and Leatherface. Just look at their sequels...they didn't really age all that well to begin with. And with that, one of the big Horror characters...was put into the hands of Rob Zombie. There are a bunch of people who made a terrible fucking decision, but it all falls mostly into Mr. Cummings' lap. Scripts were HORRIBLE. Zombie was definitley trying too hard. The look of H2 was good, though. That's the only positive I can give it.

You'd think that being such a self proclaimed HUGE fan of the original Halloween, that he would have at least treated it with a bit more respect, instead of taking a nice juicey shit all over it. I think he let his art get in the way of a story, while still trying to BE Rob Zombie. While I understand that it's "Rob Zombie's Halloween," he still should have, in some way, showed his appreciation for it, while not throwing in 'trademark' Rob Zombie stuff. It didn't really need all that shit, to try and take a classic story and throw in all this apparent harsh and dark crap.

I feel that in the first one he did, the last half of the movie was pretty good. If he stretched that out to an hour and a half, that would have been a perfect remake. Instead we were forced with all of this Trailer trash upbringing horseshit, along with Rapey institution employees. AND FOR FUCK'S SAKE, H2 was a steaming pile of ass juice.

With his first Halloween outing, I think if he had started it off at Smiths Grove, with Michael already grown up, and only talk of murdering his sister when he was younger, then breaking out, it would have been perfect. And, they should have gone back to the original premise with the character, too: He's an escaped Mental patient who just so happens to go after Laurie because it was a random target.

The levels of Excitement for remakes...and how you can let yourself down:

With Friday the 13th, I thought it was going to turn out great. The trailers had me excited, hearing that it was a mixture of the first four got me pumped because those are my favorite...then....I saw it, and fucking hated it and myself. With The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, I was really looking forward to it. I loved the original, andwas a little apprehensive given how classic the first one is. Saw the remake, enjoyed it, but as time went on, I saw a lot that I hate in it. It's still enjoyable, but not so much anymore.

Horror-centric Television:

I think it's about time that we get some Horror-centric television shows back. Have Elvira come back and host a show. Hell, bring back good ol' Joe Bob Briggs! Give them a Friday night slot on either AMC or even better, IFC. I think what would be even better would be if there was a channel devoted 24/7 to Horror. FearNet is okay with it's OnDemand stuff, but doesn't fill my Horror needs as much as I'd like it too. A 24/7 Horror programming channel would be amazing. I want one with basic cable.

(I want to see the Drive in Totals make a Come back!)

April 22, 2010

A little update on the future of this blog... *UPDATED*

I have recently been on a really great streak as of late with this thing. Meeting great people, posting a lot more than I started off with, etc. But now, my life is taking a positive turn, and I felt the need to update my readers.

I went to a job interview, and well, things are finally starting to look up.

Interview went very well. So well in fact that I was offered the full time position right then and there, and I accepted. As I left, I got a call from another business asking if I would like to come in Monday morning for an interview for a full time position.

I am going to the interview Monday, and hope that one works out as well as the first...and if so, I am going with the second job, simply because they have benefits (certain insurances) and the positions are along the lines of dealing with experience I have had in the past.

Both jobs are full time positions, with pretty solid hours. I am hoping the second one works out, and if not, at least I have another job to fall back on.

With that, I am probably moving sometime next week, possibly even this Sunday. And, because of that, my time online might not be as much as it currently is. Blog updates will be rare, time on here also rare.

I will try my best to still be in contact with those of you who have been in great contact with me, as well as attempts to keep this blog still going. I love doing this, and all the people I have gotten to know in the past few weeks, so there is no way I would just up and leave you all.

UPDATE: For any of you who may be interested, I was interviewed yet again, this time by Rhonny Reaper over at "Dollar Bin Horror." You can check out the interview here

April 20, 2010

Frankenstein (1931)

Not too long ago, I went ahead and reviewed the old school Horror film 'Nosferatu.' With that, I think it's about time I review yet another classically well known Horror flick, perhaps known by everyone around the world.

While inevitably dated and primitive when comparing it to the standards of modern cinema, Frankenstein remains an impressive film to this day. While at the time of it's release, there were many other "talkies" that just seemed so hollow and forced, this film omits all of that, and prides itself in it's plot and how it's executed...something that many Horror films of today cannot make claim of. James Whale's work as a director shouldn't go unnoticed, either. At the time, his craft was very different than anything of that time in Cinema. He was always moving the camera, close-up's on the actors, it all almost lent itself to a very admirable form of Expressionist Photography.

And then...there is Boris Karloff. Known quintessentially for this role, along with other Universal Monsters, (oh, and the narrator/voice for The Grinch cartoon) while still only having very few scenes as well as no dialogue, he still manages to work his way through the wonderful makeup (done by Jack Pierce) and produces an intimidating and complex character, while still making the creature very sympathetic.

To many young and new viewers of the genre, I can see this film as getting passed by, or even given the wrong idea, simply because they're not willing to give it or chance or open their mind as to what it would have been like to see such a film like this around the time of it's release. And that's really sad, because this one will forever go down as a classic of the genre, and will forever leave a lasting impression.

(I had to include a picture of 'the little flower girl.' The scene with her and Frankensteins monster is so memorable, and for it's time, down right frightening.)

April 19, 2010

The Horror Blogosphere

I started this blog near the beginning of January. I had no preconceived notions that it would become anything big, special, or that it would garner any attention. I did it all simply for the sheer value of being another voice in the world of Horror voicing their opinions and ranting about what greatly interests me.

But, as of late, it's slowly becoming something more than that. I went out of my to way to try and get to know several other Horror Bloggers whose work I greatly enjoy, and to be welcomed into this world with open arms definitely took me by surprise. Every one has been very nice and welcoming, it feels like I have finally found that one group of friends that I have been searching for some kind of connection of interests in a long time. The Horror Blogosphere is definitely where it's at for me.

Everyone's opinion may vary, each blog a different voice and stance on things...but we all meet in the middle with one common bond: The love of Horror. It is that which keeps us together as a tightly knit 'family,' if you will. We'll all have each other's back, and expect others to do the same. No reason for backstabbing or betrayal in this little cult, as everyone seems genuinely happy with what they do.

I have gotten to know quite a bit of amazing people as of late. BJ-C (of 'Day of the Woman') has been one of them. She has been there to introduce me to a lot of other workings in this world, as well as very supportive of the work I am going for. She's a great friend, one I hope to always be in touch with as time progresses. Other notable mentions are Rhonny Reaper of 'Dollar Bin Horror,' Patrick from 'Stabbing Stabbing Stabbing,' and Emily of 'The Deadly Doll's House of Horror Nonsense.' There are many more to mention in that list, as they all have welcomed me greatly into this world of Horror Blogging.

I can only hope that this all continues as time goes on. More friendships to be made, and current ones to become more close in terms of bonding. We're all here for the same reasons, and whatever happens between us, I'm sure it's going to be one hell of a ride.

April 17, 2010

Interviewed by Patrick of "Stabbing Stabbing Stabbing!"

Hey everybody, quick post here.

I was recently asked to be part of a quick interview with 'Dollar Bin Horror's' brother blog 'Stabbing Stabbing Stabbing,' and I figured my readers would be interested in checking it out!

"Sean Springett is a talented writer with a diverse taste in movies and music. His blog,Running over Cujo with Christine, is awesome and should get bigger and bigger..."

Check out the rest of the interview HERE.

I'd like to take this time to thank Patrick for giving me quite the welcome to the Horror Blogosphere with this interview, as has BJ-C of 'Day of the Woman' and Rhonny Reaper of Dollar Bin Horror.' Not going to lie...being interviewed...made me giddy.

The world of...Horror Conventions.

Believe it or not, I have never been to a Horror convention. Yes, I, a lover of all things Horror, has never once step foot into a Horror convention.

Horror conventions attract a pretty signature array of people. Those who have been loyal to the genre their whole life, those people who know the in's and outs, collectors, Cosplayers, etc. But, without a doubt, they're all there for one thing and one thing only: HORROR. They love it. Now, seeing as I have never had the glorious opportunity to be graced with the ability to attend such lavish events, I'm sure that each one is nothing but a fun atmosphere with tons of fans scurrying around the locations from the wee hours of the morning, until under the cover of the night darkness.

Now, if I were to attend such an event, I know for a fact that I would inevitably stock up on some collectibles. Whether they be Figures, posters, old magazines, shirts, etc...I'm there. Gotta display my love for Horror loud and proud, people. Taking pictures is a must as well, so you can document all of the crazy things you've seen such as the costumes people wear, booths, Q&A's, etc. This is a once in a lifetime event, best be making some sort of visual documentation to look fondly back upon. comes to the celebrities who are kind enough to grace you with their presence. They've taken the time out of their lives to greet you, the fan, who has come to show their undying appreciation for their work, craft, and everything they've done for you. Many celebrities of 80's Horror once swore of their fans, but as time passed, they were more open to it, as they discovered the underground world of Horror fans and how much they truly love the genre and everything it has done for them. In turn, Actors and Actresses grew to have a great deal of respect towards their fans, and if an Autographed picture, a handshake, and being able to stand next to them for a snapshot is enough to brighten their lives a little bit more...then they'd be more than happy to do so.

And everything I have just made mention of...I have never experienced. From all the stories I've read, pictures I've seen, and missed opportunities due to finances and things of the sort...It truly sounds like a remarkable time, one I hope that one day I am able to live out.

(I MUST meet Bruce Campell)

(Robert Englund would be Killer.)

(Clive Barker:To get his Autograph, along with picture'd be the highlight of my life.)

(Elvira: Obviously...)
And too many more to name...

April 16, 2010

Fright Night (1985)

"You're so COOL, Brewster!"

First off, let me start off by saying this: Fright Night and The Lost Boys were the top two Vampire films I would watch ALL the time when I was a kid, so needless to say, this review is pretty near and dear to me.

This film is by far the definition of a perfect eighties Horror film. It has original characters, setting, and when you get down to it, the story. It also shows a great deal of hard work that must have been put to create those undoubtedly scarier then shit transformations for the characters of Jerry Dandridge, Evil Ed, Amy, and Billy Coal. It's effects like that which have always cemented my backing to practical effects over CGI. There is more work as it's all hands on...and alot of that, and more, went into movies like Fright Night.

The character of Peter Vincent said to Charlie that his, "generation prefers movies where a masked looney kills virgin innocents". Which, looking back on it now, plays alot on the fact that this movie was released in 1985, when the Slasher genre has reached a pretty high peak, practically nobody cared about Vampires. But, this film came out with so much potential with it's story, make up, setting, and it's actors; basic elements that a Slasher movie needs. The result: A very entertaining, sometimes chilling, and very well done horror movie.

Chris Sarandon does a superb job throughout the entire flick with his performance as Jerry Dandridge. Without a doubt, he completely steals the show. Roddy McDowall as Peter Vincent is quite a pleasure to watch. William Ragsdale did a pretty good job as Charlie Brewster, the main teen character in the movie. Worked fairly well with what he could. Many other actors brought their A-Game to this film, and it all works incredibly well. Perfect casting.

It has aged fairly well. There is something here for everyone, so I think many will likely be satisfied. The strengths of 'Fright Night' though are all of it's performances... and the great sense of fun that it has. Still rewarding, fun, and always worth a view.

May (2002)

At first maybe it's a romance, then again maybe it's a thriller. Maybe it's some kind of light or dark hearted comedy. At first glance you might just think it's a horror film. But, MAY doesn't aspire to go towards any certain film label, and I feel that's what makes this film work. There are many moment's in the film that will either grab you and pull you in, or turn you off and result in nothing but loathing.

Angela Bettis is excellent in the role of May. She's really beautiful, vulnerable, as well as expressive without even having to doing much. She gives May a certain quality that can only be described as understated... yet still intense. She has a great ability to say more with a look rather than endless nutty dialog. She is longing for something she can not have, and deals with it the only way she knows how. It basically comes down to being a strangely beautiful character study about a lonely girl who really just wants a friend.

Lucky McKee (Director) really crafted a fascinating look into the eyes of someone with mental problems, by being able to do what few films can anymore. He is able to allow us, the viewer, to see a part of ourselves that is manifested in May. I'm sure that at one point or another in our lives we've all been treated like crap, made fun of, been ridiculed, and maybe to the point where we were mentally near the deep end. Because of this, I felt pity for May even if I shouldn't have.

It's a wonderfully original twisted film that will leave the viewer stunned in some capacity. I feel that the less you know about MAY going in, the more shocking the series of events that follow the climax is. Even if you have heard some things about it, please don't be so quick to make assumptions. The film goes in a direction that most films of the genre only rarely hint at... but never really commit to anymore. Thus, resulting in a story which alternates between a different form of tenderness, with a certain sense of terror.

You will not walk away from it unaffected. Lucky McKee has seen to that. There are probably many people out there who will find some faults with MAY, but it's that kind of movie. You either love it, or you hate it. I love the film, beginning to end. Not much middle ground for me.

But do yourself a favor... see this movie.

April 15, 2010

The Fly (1986)

Body Horror. It's what David Cronenberg is best known for when it comes to the genre. He knows how to work with a basic idea of "Would you still love me if I was horribly disfigured" and go off in whatever direction he see's fit. He has the ability to tell an amazing story, while still grossing you out in the process. But can't look away, as you're fully enamored in the story which is unfolding, regardless of the graphic nature.

'The Fly' takes an idea, develops it quite well, and has genuinely terrifying special effects until the horrific climax. The film does something that not a lot of Horror films do anymore... which is pay attention to the personalities of its protagonists (Jeff Goldblum and Geena Davis), it actually makes you care about them. Because of this, there is a great level of serious reflection on the very nature of human mortality when faced with such an ordeal.

Like the great director that he is, Cronenberg overwhelms the viewer with a mixture of drama, misery and repulsiveness. You feel just as helpless as the characters are as you painfully wait for the unhappy ending. The screenplay is filled with metaphors and the romance between Goldblum and Davis is beautiful. The special effects are definitely still jarring to the senses and they don't look the least bit dated by today's standards.

Things get really disgusting as Jeff Goldblum slowly turns into a huge fly. The transformation is very gross in certain spots, and certainly gut-wrenching to witness. You can just feel his girlfriend's anguish and horror as she witnesses Goldblums' incredible physical and mental change. Geena Davis gives a convincing performance in the role, harboring a great sense of love, and the pain and confusion that comes with the task she must face. To see a man, who loved life so much, and finally making it in life by meeting the woman of his dreams, succeed in his six year goal in inventing Teleportation, then losing it all by transforming into a monster, is enough to put a tear into your eye.

Without a doubt, to get a good grasp on what 'Body Horror' is...give this film a view.